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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Confessions

Top Ten Mildly Embarrassing Confessions
(at time of press)

10. I watched an hour of Full House yesterday morning.

9. My favorite PJ pants are gray, and all of my softest t-shirts are gray - so I often end up sleeping in a gray onesie. Bonus points if it's cold enough for one of the gray sweatshirts. I need some color.

8. This weather gives me super-dry skin. And I super-hate lotion. I apologize for my crackly hands.

7. I have had bizarre nightmares every night since I got back from Christmas break. Topics have included non-existant Breaking Bad spin-offs, kidnappings, 30 Rock characters, and being abandoned by my best friends in a shady neighborhood. And a bunch of other things I should've written down.

6. The power went out in part of my house on Friday night and I couldn't find the fuse box, even though I searched every room in my apartment and in the hallway. I didn't find it till Saturday afternoon. The fuse box is literally visible from my door.

5. If I start a page of notes in class and I don't like my handwriting, I'll toss it and start a new page.

4. I spent too much money on food storage containers last week.

3. I crave soda, drink soda, and immediately regret it because it makes my throat all gurgly.

2. Confession 3.c happens because I am physically incapable of burping.

1. On more than one occasion this month, I have found myself awake in the middle of the night and proceeded to eat something sweet (ex. donut or muffin) on my couch, drink a glass of milk, and go right back to sleep. Basically the night is a very strange time for me.

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